How to get rid of premature wrinkle

I'm sure the wrinkles you're seeing just smile lines and forehead lines that are actually normal reactions to things like laughing and smiling. Therefore, I would like to recommend you first of all that it is completely fine.
There are many reasons that you can start seeing wrinkles on your forehead or other areas of your face at such a young age. Genetics can be a factor if you notice early signs of aging in your parents. It can also be a sign of your lifestyle.

Add these simple rules in your lifestyle:

Add antioxidants in your diet 
It includes Vitamin A, C and E. These 
include cranberries, red grapes, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, red currants, figs, cherries, pears, guava, oranges, apricots, mango, red grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon, papaya, and tomatoes.

Make sure you include lots of fresh green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish in your daily diet to correct neck wrinkles, get rid of the lines of forehead and lines of expression naturally.

Stay hydrated
To get rid of deep forehead wrinkles, you should make a habit of drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.    
Water serves its purpose as it softens your skin and reduces the visibility of wrinkles.


While hydrating your skin, you thicken skin cells, which increases the firmness of your skin and in turn reduces the visibility of wrinkles. 

Stop Smoking 
Smoking does not just cause wrinkles on your face. Smoking is also associated with increased wrinkles and skin damage on other parts of your body, including your inner arms. Nicotine in cigarettes causes the contraction of blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin. This impedes blood flow to your skin.

Use sunscreen to avoid sun exposure
SUNSCREEN is the cheapest anti-wrinkle cream you can find because it will protect your skin from the sun which is the main cause of wrinkles. So just buy yourself a good sunscreen and let your skin live. How to choose the best sunscreen


Protect your skin after applying sunscreen or any other SPF moisturizer daily. 

Lack of sleep
To be honest, I'm not sure. However, it makes sense that people who get less sleep will be more likely to wrinkle. Why? Because sleep is a time for the body to heal itself. This helps keep you from getting sick, out of stress, and your body resets itself when you are sleeping. Sleep is incredibly important and has a major impact on lifestyle and general well-being. 

So when I am not sure if it has ever been proven or is connected in studies, I think it will be likely.
Hope this helps! 

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