DIY body scrub that can be do easily at home

Just like we scrub our face two times a week, it'a also important to have a srub of our body. We only pay attention to the face but we don't pay attention to the body. We use water and soap or shower gel, its not just enough for the body scrub. A lots of body scrub are availabe in the market but it contains chemical and also expensive. 
Even if you go to the parlour and get body scrub but your glow lasts only for two days. With those body scrub it will never happen that you become extreme white    Because instant whitening products, they darken the skin as soonner. SIt is better that you treat it naturally. So that you can avoid any side effects later. 
There are many natural things in our home so that we can make very effective scrubber.
  • Its inexpensive and easy to make. 
  • Scrubber exfoliates, cleanses, nourished and hydrated our body.
  • You will see that your skin is feeling so soft & smooth because all dead skin cells will be removed after using this body scrub. 
There are many ways to make body scrub you can make it with fruits, flower etc..But what i am going to share today is very easy and will also suits the all skin type. You can use it for both summer and winter season. 

Sugar scrubber
  1.  2tbs Crushed sugar
  2.  2tbsCoconut oil 
  3.  2tbsCoffee
How to make:
Take a bowl, mix all these ingredients together make into a paste. Its consistensy should be neither more oily nor dry. 

#Crushed sugar - if you dont have crushed sugar then you can grind the sugar, and you will have fine powder. 

#Coconut oil - If you don't have then you can also use almond oil or hohoba/jojoba oil or olive oil.. But i really like to use coconut oil because it suits my skin very well. 

#Coffee powder - grind the coffee and make powder. 

Apply: apply it gently on your body after you take a shower with warm water so that your pores of skin will open.

  •  sugar is really gental for our skin. It removes our deadskin cell remover . Gentally exfoliate.
  •  It gives us clean effect without damaging the pores of our skin.
  • hydrate 
  • nourish 
  • tanning remover
  •  Reduce the cellulite on the skin because it has caffine 
  • It may help to remove the streachmarkes and tanning
  • gives you a glowing skin

Lemon Scrubber 

  1. 2 tbs sugar 
  2. one lemon 
  3. 1tbs honey

How to make 
Cut the lemon and sqeeze its juice into a bowl , add other ingredients mix it well.
  • Take a shower with warm water and apply this paste onto your body wherever you want scrub hands, legs back, neck etc..
  • gently massage with your finger in circular motion. 
  • Massage gently for 5-10 mints. For exfoliate massage 2-3 mint on each part.
  • After doing this wash it off with water.
  • Use twice a week
Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and it helps to nourish your skin while exfoliating it. And your skin remains soft and smooth. 

After using it you will notice that how glowing you are. Because body scrubs are there to glow our body and you will feel special , who does not want to be pampered if we can make effective body scrub with the things are present in our home. This is a great technique to get rid of your dead skin cell and sun tan and at the same time hydrates your skin and make it shiny and smooth.
Give it a try and let me know in the comment section. 

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